String Comparisons in SQL: The Longest Common Substring.
I’ve always wanted a SQL function that tells me the longest substring shared between two strings. As a present to myself, I’ve written one. I hope someone else finds it useful. There are several...
View ArticleT-SQL Substring: Splicing a String from Another String
Transact-SQL or T-SQL is a way to run SQL statements on your database tables. SQL Server offers several string functions, which you should know to properly manipulate and work with your data. The...
View ArticleSQL SUBSTRING Function
The SQL SUBSTRING function is one of the SQL String Function, which is used to return specified number of characters from the given expression. The SUBSTRING function uses its third argument to decide,...
View ArticleBig Data SQL Quick Start. Oracle Text Integration – Part 18
SQL> exec ctxsys.ctx_adm.set_parameter('FILE_ACCESS_ROLE ... stem_fuzzy_pref','FUZZY_NUMRESULTS', '200'); 17 ctx_ddl.set_attribute('hdfs_stem_fuzzy_pref','SUBSTRING_INDEX', 'TRUE'); 18...
View ArticleOne way to get an index seek for a leading %wildcard
As you would expect, SQL Server needs to perform a scan to locate those two ... much the estimated and actual rows jump here – meaning that this may be a common substring pattern. The original LIKE...
View ArticleQuestion on ORA-12899: value too large
We have a migration project which from Sybase SQL Anywhere to Oracle ... and the business logic is complicated ,We tried to find out these kind of case and use Substr. But we still worried about this...
View ArticleLand Mines
At some point years prior, the team decided that the presence of a certain substring in the large text blob would affect the value of a very important boolean field in a non-obvious way. Excluding that...
View ArticleAnalyze #Flight delay data by using Hive in HDInsight
Azure SQL Database. You use an Azure SQL database as a destination ... CREATE TABLE delays AS SELECT YEAR AS year, FL_DATE AS flight_date, substring(UNIQUE_CARRIER, 2, length(UNIQUE_CARRIER) -1) AS...
View ArticleSQL SUBSTRING Function
The SQL SUBSTRING function is one of the SQL String Function, which is used to return specified number of characters from the given expression. The SUBSTRING function uses its third argument to decide,...
View ArticleSQL Server Substring with CharIndex
In this article we are going to explore the T-SQL function CharIndex and also how to use it with another T-SQL function Substring(). CharIndex: This function returns the location of a substring in a...
View ArticleString Comparisons in SQL: The Longest Common Substring.
I’ve always wanted a SQL function that tells me the longest substring shared between two strings. As a present to myself, I’ve written one. I hope someone else finds it useful. There are several...
View ArticleORA-30926 While Using impdp Over a Database Link
So that’s what I did: SQL> SELECT comp_id, status, SUBSTR(version,1,10) version, comp_name FROM dba_registry ORDER BY 1; COMP_ID STATUS VERSION COMP_NAME ...
View ArticleBig Data SQL Quick Start. Oracle Text Integration – Part 18
SQL> exec ctxsys.ctx_adm.set_parameter('FILE_ACCESS_ROLE ... stem_fuzzy_pref','FUZZY_NUMRESULTS', '200'); 17 ctx_ddl.set_attribute('hdfs_stem_fuzzy_pref','SUBSTRING_INDEX', 'TRUE'); 18...
View ArticleHow to Import / Export CSV Files with R in SQL Server 2016
The complete T-SQL script is shown here ... filename <- basename(filepath) filename <- paste("dbo.[", substr(filename,1, nchar(filename)-4), "]", sep="") #remove .csv suffix conn <-...
View ArticleSQL SUBSTRING Function
The SQL SUBSTRING function is one of the SQL String Function, which is used to return specified number of characters from the given expression. The SUBSTRING function uses its third argument to decide,...
View ArticleSQL Server Function to Encrypt Integer Values
I coded two very short and simple T-SQL functions that do integer encryption and decryption ... WHILE @Idx < LEN(@encryptString) BEGIN SET @Letter = SUBSTRING(@ReversedEncryptString, @Idx + 1, 1)...
View ArticleOne way to get an index seek for a leading %wildcard
As you would expect, SQL Server needs to perform a scan to locate those two ... much the estimated and actual rows jump here – meaning that this may be a common substring pattern. The original LIKE...
View ArticleAnalyze #Flight delay data by using Hive in HDInsight
Azure SQL Database. You use an Azure SQL database as a destination ... CREATE TABLE delays AS SELECT YEAR AS year, FL_DATE AS flight_date, substring(UNIQUE_CARRIER, 2, length(UNIQUE_CARRIER) -1) AS...
View ArticleMy Regular Expression Looks Like This
Here's what I did, using recursive SQL: WITH setup2 AS ( select view_name , text_vc ... occurrence#+1)-pp+1 <= 30 then substr(text_vc,pp,instr(text_vc,'"',1,occurrence#+1)-pp+1) end as column_name ,...
View Articlesqludf_substr()--SQL LOB Substring Locator
The sqludf_substr() function returns a substring of the LOB data the locator represents. SQL7034 D LOB locators are not allowed with COMMIT(*NONE). SQL0901 D SQL system error. SQL0952 D Processing of...
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